Sunday, 30 December 2012

The Beauty of Breast

The Beauty of Breast
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends breastfeeding throughout baby's first year. "Human milk is the absolute perfect food for an infant -- full of living antibodies and customized for your baby," says Mary Kat Smith, R.N., a lactation consultant at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. If the idea seems a bit overwhelming, don't worry. Most moms get the hang of it pretty quickly. When in doubt, pull out this handy breastfeeding guide. And remember:
  • Breastfed babies have fewer respiratory problems, ear infections, colds and flu than formula-fed babies. Breastfeeding also reduces a child's risk of type 1 and 2 diabetes, childhood leukemia, obesity, heart disease and SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). 
  • Breast milk is easy to digest, so nursing babies are less likely to suffer from constipation, reflux and allergies.  
  •  Oxytocin, a hormone produced during nursing, helps the uterus contract, allowing moms to recover faster post-delivery. 
  • Breastfeeding reduces a woman's risk of developing breast and ovarian cancers, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol later in life. 
  • Breast milk is free, always the right temperature, and the fat content even changes according to baby's needs.
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Thursday, 27 December 2012

Composition of mother's breast milk

It is optimal for both babies and mothers.  For babies it can protect against infections and reduce the rates of later health problems including diabetes, obesity, and asthma. 
For mothers breastfeeding helps the uterus to contract and bleeding to cease more quickly after delivery.  Breastfeeding can reduce the risk of breast and ovarian cancer and also provides a great way for mothers to bond with their babies.
The advantages of breastfeeding are numerous.  Breast milk is ultimately the best source of nutrition for a new baby.  Many components in breast milk help protect your baby against infection and disease.  The proteins in breast milk are more easily digested than in formula or cow’s milk.  The calcium and iron in breast milk are also more easily absorbed. 
The following is a brief overview of the components of breast milk and the nutrients they provide for your baby.


Human milk contains two types of proteins: whey and casein.  Approximately 60% is whey, while 40% is casein.  This balance of the proteins allows for quick and easy digestion.  If artificial milk, also called formula, has a greater percentage of casein, it will be more difficult for the baby to digest.  Approximately 60-80% of all protein in human milk is whey protein.  These proteins have great infection-protection properties. 

Listed below are specific proteins that are found in breast milk and their benefits: 
  • Lactoferrin inhibits the growth of iron-dependent bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.  This inhibits certain organisms, such as coliforms and yeast, that require iron.
  • Secretory IgA also works to protect the infant from viruses and bacteria, specifically those that the baby, mom, and family are exposed to.  It also helps to protect against E. Coli and possibly allergies.  Other immunoglobulins, including IgG and IgM, in breast milk also help protect against bacterial and viral infections.  Eating fish can help increase the amount of these proteins in your breast milk.
  • Lysozyme is an enzyme that protects the infant against E. Coli and Salmonella. It also promotes the growth of healthy intestinal flora and has anti-inflammatory functions.
  • Bifidus factor supports the growth of lactobacillus.  Lactobacillus is a beneficial bacteria that protects the baby against harmful bacteria by creating an acidic environment where it cannot survive


Human milk also contains fats that are essential for the health of your baby.  It is necessary for brain development, absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, and is a primary calorie source.  Long chain fatty acids are needed for brain, retina, and nervous system development.  They are deposited in the brain during the last trimester of pregnancy and are also found in breast milk. 


The amount and types of vitamins in breast milk is directly related to the mother’s vitamin intake.  This is why it is essential that she gets adequate nutrition, including vitamins.  Fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamins A, D, E, and K, are all vital to the infant’s health.  Water-soluble vitamins such as vitamin C, riboflavin, niacin, and panthothenic acid are also essential.  Because of the need for these vitamins, many healthcare providers and lactation consultants will have nursing mothers continue on prenatal vitamins.


Lactose is the primary carbohydrate found in human milk.  It accounts for approximately 40% of the total calories provided by breast milk.  Lactose helps to decrease the amount of unhealthy bacteria in the stomach, which improves the absorption of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium.  It helps to fight disease and promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in the stomach. 

Breast Milk is Best

Breast milk has the perfect combination of proteins, fats, vitamins, and carbohydrates.  There is nothing better for the health of your baby.  Leukocytes are living cells that are only found in breast milk.  They help fight infection.  It is the antibodies, living cells, enzymes, and hormones that make breast milk ideal.  These cannot be added to formula.
Though some women ultimately are not able to breastfeed, many who think they cannot actually are able to breastfeed.  Lactation consultants are able to provide support to women learning to breastfeed.  For those who are not able to breastfeed, milk banks or donor milk may be an alternative. 
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Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Brest feeding so important

Why breastfeeding is important? What does WHO say?
WHO & UNICEF recommends that a baby should be exclusively breast fed for 6 months. After six months, safe & proper additional foods and liquids should complement breast feeding to meet the nutritional needs of a young child up to the age of two years.

Why breast milk is best?
  • Breast milk is Mother Nature's gift to the baby! There are more than 200 constituents of breast milk known to science.
  • About 80 percent of live cells in breast milk are made of macrophages that kill bacteria and viruses
  • Breast milk is sterile and free from pollutants
  • Breast milk in the first few days called Colostrum. This is called Liquid Gold for the baby. Colostrum contains antibodies to protect the newborn against disease, as well as being lower in fat and higher in protein than ordinary milk.
Who can Breastfeed?
Any woman who has given birth will have the ability to breastfeed. It is very rare to see some physical problem for the mother preventing her from breast feeding. Size of breasts does not have any effect the amount of breast milk production. Even with inverted nipples, women will be able to breast feed with some help. Amount of breast milk production will increase as your baby continues to suckle. Even mothers who have had Caesarean Section, Breech baby and twin babies can also breast feed comfortably with sufficient milk.
What are the benefits for the baby?
  • Nature has designed the breast milk in such a way that it has the perfect combination of proteins, fats, carbohydrate, and fluids that newborn babies require. The composition of the breast milk changes as per the baby's requirement so that baby gathers maximum nutrition. No formula milk can ever substitute breast milk in this manner

  • Breast milk is packed with antibodies which help the baby fight against infections. Hence the baby is has less chances of ear infection, diarrhoea & respiratory infections. Breast fed babies will have much less visits to the doctors for illnesses.

  • Hormones released during breast feeding will increase bonding between the mother and the baby. This leads to the fulfillment of the baby's emotional and physical needs.

  • Breast milk also has long term health benefits. It reduces the chance of child hood obesity; high blood pressure; high cholesterol level; eczema; type 2diabetes; leukaemia; asthma in later life.
What are the benefits for the mother?
  • Breast feeding is free and easily available.

  • Breast feeding stimulates the secretion of beneficial hormones called, prolactin and oxytocin. Pro- lactin ( pro lactation) Helps the mother to relax and facilitates bonding towards the baby. Oxytocin causes uterus/ womb contraction and reduces bleeding and anemia. Thus, breast feeding helps the uterus to come back to the pre pregnancy size and decrease the chance of post delivery bleeding risk and anemia

  • Breast-feeding uses up about 500 extra calories per day. So, it is easier to lose weight after giving birth if you are breast-feeding.

  • Breast feeding reduces the risk of pre menopausal breast cancer, ovarian cancer, type 2 diabetes, Osteoporosis (less breakage of bones ) and postnatal depression

  • It is very convenient and no hassle of sterilizing/ boiling the bottles. There is no preparation time needed.
How to ensure adequate breast milk?
Take pre-natal vitamins, specifically vitamin D supplement is recommended for all breast-feeding women and for breast-fed babies. Iron and Calcium supplements are also beneficial. Please consult your doctor.
Increase protein intake in the diet - include Dals, Milk and Eggs daily in your diet.
Begin breast feeding within the first hour of birth. Breast feed on demand. This will help regulate the fat content in the milk.
Eat lot of fresh fruits to get vitamins and micronutrients.
Ensure adequate intake of fluids including water and milk. Breast feeding can make you thirsty.
What are the steps of breast feeding?
Hold the baby's whole body close with the nose at the level of the nipple - " nose to the nipple". Let the baby's head tip back a little to allow baby's upper lip to brush against the nipple - this helps baby to open mouth wide. When baby's mouth is wide open, the chin is able to touch the breast and with the head tipped back the tongue can reach out and grab as much as breast as possible. Once chin is touching and nose is clear with mouth wide open encircling the nipple, baby starts to suckle and cheeks appear full and rounded as baby feeds. After baby has been fed, hold them upright on your shoulder to wind (burp). Breast fed babies have less problems with wind over bottle fed babies.
Please watch for the following signs to make sure your baby is feeding well:
  • The baby's chin is firmly touching the breast.
  • The baby has a big mouthful of breast.
  • The baby's cheeks are rounded throughout sucking.
  • Breastfeeding is not painful to the mother - although the initial sucks are strong with mild discomfort.
  • There is rhythmic sucking and swallowing, with occasional pauses. There will be cycles of short sucks and also long, deep drawing sucks.
  • The baby looks satisfied at the end of the feed and comes off the breast on his own.
Reliable indicators of baby getting enough milk
You will notice that the baby gains weight adequately and regains birth weight by 2wks. The other way to monitor weight gain is that the baby gains 500gms or more per month or 125gms/wk. The baby should pass light coloured urine about 6 times or more times a day by 4 days of age if the baby is exclusively breast fed. Please monitor the wet nappies.
Diet during breast feeding
The mother should try to eat a balanced diet. Foods that can be used liberally in the diet are fresh fruits and vegetables, soup of vegetables, milk, curd/Lassi, sprouted moong/ channa, fermented products like Idli, Dhokla, Dosa etc and egg white. Include lot of iron and protein rich food in the diet. The food items which are good sources of iron and protein for vegetarians include Legumes (Dhals), Milk, Paneer, Spinach and other green leafy vegetables, Anar ( Pomegranate), Banana and black grapes. Orange juice and Amla have plenty of Vitamin C which is important for Iron absorption in the body. Handful of nuts for snacking is a good idea for making the diet iron and protein rich for vegetarians.
Natural Galactogogues
Natural galactogogues are foods that increase breast milk production. Indian cuisine has plenty of such food items which are used in everyday cooking. Some examples are Methi seeds (Fenugreek), Garlic, Saunf (Fennel seeds), jeera water, oats and Brewer's Yeast.
Common problems during breast feeding
Full breasts with discomfort and pain - It may happen 3-4 days after delivery, breast are full, hot and hard to touch
Management - Baby needs to be well attached and breast fed frequently. You can express the milk if required. Simple pain killers like Paracetamol may help if the pain is intense.
Breast engorgement - This happens in blocked milk duct. Breast appears swollen, skin looks shiny and red. This may be accompanied with pain in breast but pain may not be as severe as mastitis. You may also notice mild fever.
Management - Feed the baby frequently, apply warm compress or take bath with warm water. Try simple & safe pain killers.
Mastitis - hard swelling in the breast with redness and severe pain. In this condition mother will have fever too
Management - take rest, Breast feed the baby frequently, apply warm compress, take simple analgesics. You may need to be treated with antibiotics. Contact your doctor.
Sore or fissured nipples - Pain when baby suckles. This is due to excess suction on the nipples
Management - If you develop sore nipples, check the position of the baby. Make sure the baby has adequate amount of breast tissue, areola and the nipple in the mouth. Improve the baby's attachment. You can try some soothing creams.
Working women & breast feeding
  • Avail all possible leave at your credit including unpaid leave
  • If possible, take your baby to work, make use of the crèche if available
  • Do not start other feeds before you really need to.
  • Don't think "I will have to go back to work in 12wks, so I might as well bottle feed straight away". This is the most common mistake the mothers do. Even if you can brest feed for a short period of time, it does provide significant benefits to the baby. The baby will have received some amount of valuable antibodies during this time.
  • Continue to breast feed even at night, in the early morning, and at any other time that you are at home.
  • Express as much breast milk as you can before you go back to work, into a very clean jar, even 1 cup (200ml) can give the baby 3 feeds/day of 60-70ml each.
  • Cover the milk and keep in the coolest place that you can find in the house or in the refrigerator
  • Expressed breast milk stays in good condition for 8-10hrs even in a hot climate and up-to 24hrs in the refrigerator
  • Breast feed your baby after you've expressed the milk, so the baby will get the breast milk that you can't express including some hind milk.
  • Don't boil or reheat your own breast milk
  • It is absolutely not necessary to bottle feed at all, even very small babies can feed from a cup if you decide to use a formula
  • Breastfeeding should begin within an hour of birth
  • Breastfeeding should be "on demand", as often as the child wants day and night
  • Bottles or pacifiers should be avoided.

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Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Breastfeeding Tips for New Moms


Breastfeeding Tips for New Moms

We hope you've decided to at least try breastfeeding tips. Even if you only nurse your baby for a few days or weeks, that early milk, called colostrum, provides an important source of antibodies to protect against disease as Baby's own immune system develops during the first year.
But did you know that breastfeeding benefits you, too?
  • It helps your uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size and reduces post-delivery bleeding.
  • It makes it easier to lose those pregnancy pounds (you burn up to 500 extra calories a day nursing).
  • It may reduce your risk of postpartum depression and breast and ovarian cancer.
  • It can delay the return of your period (although you should still use some form of birth control when you resume intercourse).
  • It saves money (no formula!).
Breastfeeding is a learned process; none of us (not even Baby) are born knowing how to do it. To improve your chance of success:
  • Try to breastfeed within the first hour of birth. This helps your uterus contract and provides that valuable colostrum. Also ask to have Baby room in with you at the hospital so you can feed on demand.
  • Have a nurse or lactation consultant check how Baby latches on while you're still in the hospital. While it might be uncomfortable when Baby latches on, it shouldn't be painful. If it hurts badly enough to make you grimace every time, then you may not have the right position.
  • Prepare for your milk to come in. This occurs on about the third or fourth day after birth. You'll know it's happened because your breasts suddenly increase several cup sizes! Speaking of which, make sure you have several well-fitting nursing bras, and don't forget to pack one in your hospital bag.
  • Plan to breastfeed about eight to 12 times in every 24-hour period. Your baby is good at giving hunger signals: rooting around searching for your nipple; putting his hand in his mouth; and looking increasingly alert. Always feed on demand.
  • Try not to introduce a bottle or other nipples, including pacifiers, until breastfeeding is well established. The thrusting motion required to nurse is different from that required to suck a nipple, and Baby could get confused.
  • Stay hydrated to ensure your body can make enough milk. A good idea is to sip from a glass of water when nursing.
  • Nurse in a calm environment to help your milk let down. After a while, all it will take for your milk to let down is unhooking your bra for your baby, or even just hearing any infant cry.
Common Breastfeeding Challenges
Here are the most common breastfeeding-related problems and how you can avoid them:
  1. Sore and cracked nipples. Check the position of the baby when she latches on; smooth lanolin over your nipples after each nursing session; and let your nipples air dry after each nursing session. Also, alternate which breast you start on for each session. Put a safety pin or plastic bracelet on your wrist on the side of your bra that was just used to help you remember. And limit nursing to 5 to 10 minutes on each side initially until your nipples toughen up (just a few days). You should also not hear any clicking or sucking sound. If you do, the baby isn't positioned right. Bring Baby closer to you, and hold his head firmly so his mouth covers as much of the areola as possible.
  2. Engorgement (overly full breasts) or blocked milk duct. Warm compresses, letting warm water run over your breasts in the shower, or laying cabbage leaves on your breasts can help relieve some of the pressure. You can also try pumping some milk between feedings.
  3. Mastitis or breast infection. If you feel like you have the flu and one breast is red, hot and sore, you probably have mastitis. You'll likely need an antibiotic to clear up the infection. In the meantime, keep nursing and/or pumping on that side as much as you can, even though it hurts. To prevent mastitis, make sure you empty your breasts regularly. If you do take antibiotics, add a probiotic (good bacteria such as lactobacillus) supplement, or eat a container of live culture yogurt every day, to help prevent the next complication: thrush.
  4. Thrush. Thrush is a fungal infection that can form on the breast and be passed between your breast and the baby's mouth. Overly moist breasts, sore or cracked nipples, following a diet high in sugar or yeasty foods or taking antibiotics, birth control pills or steroids can all throw your body's natural yeast levels out of control and lead to thrush. Symptoms are very sore nipples, achy or painful breasts or pink, flaky, shiny, itchy or cracked nipples.
    Your baby may have little white spots in her mouth, or a diaper rash that won't heal. You will need to treat both your breasts and the baby's mouth with a prescription antifungal or with the over-the-counter antifungal gentian violet. To prevent thrush, air-dry your nipples, use nipple pads in your bra, wear a clean bra every day, and reduce the amount of sugar and yeasty products in your diet.
Increasing Milk Supply
Breastfeeding is a basic supply-and-demand activity. The more you nurse, the more milk your body makes. So when your baby goes through a growth spurt and seems to be nursing all the time, keep in mind she's signaling your body to up the milk production for her new nutritional needs.
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Sunday, 23 December 2012

dos and don'ts in breastfeeding

The American Academy of Pediatrics has been urging mothers to breastfeed their baby for a minimum of 6 months, but there has been a lot of press recently with woman complaining that 6 months is way too difficult. Some say that they are feeling "pressured" to breastfeed and consequently not enjoying the breastfeeding experience. Or they feel "guilty" if they decide to stop breastfeeding before the sixth month mark.
What is going on here? Isn’t breastfeeding a ‘normal’ response after giving birth? Don’t babies want to feed and mothers want to feed them? Why is it so hard for new moms to feel good about breastfeeding their babies?
After having worked with over 5000 breastfeeding mothers and babies, I have observed that the reason it is so "difficult" is that woman believe that breastfeeding is supposed to just come naturally. The truth is that although after birth most moms and babes have a desire to breastfeed, breastfeeding is a "learned behavior" and not a "natural behavior." When the mother and baby are taught properly, they can be breastfeeding easily and successfully for 6 months (or longer).
When it comes to breastfeeding, it has been my experience that moms need clear directions and guidelines, rather than just being sent home from the hospital and told to ‘let it happen naturally.’ Each mother has different shaped nipples, each baby has a different size mouth and every baby has a different style of breastfeeding. Therefore, each nursing dyad needs to have an individualized plan. Babies need to be taught how to breastfeed and women need a specific plan of action with: clear directions, specific guidelines, goals, and a resource to go to for support when problems arise.
Here are a few dos and don'ts in breastfeeding  to keep in mind that should set you on the path to successful breastfeeding:
  • Don’t believe that breastfeeding is supposed to hurt and that sore nipples are the norm, or perhaps even a badge of courage for toughing-it-out. If the baby is latched on to the breast properly and draining it, breastfeeding should not hurt!

  • Do teach your baby to “breastfeed” and not “nipple feed." To do so, start by holding your breast steady and compress it into a pointy shape with your hand. Next, bring the baby to you, trying to have your nipple go deep into the baby’s mouth into the S spot (between the baby’s hard and soft palate).

  • Don’t stuff your breast into the baby’s mouth. Instead, bring your baby “to you.” To accomplish this, support the baby well, holding him along his spine and at the base of his head.

  • Do use RAM (rapid arm movement), and bring your baby (or RAM him) onto the breast in a quick-swift motion, allowing the baby to take the breast as deeply into his throat as he can.

  • Don’t get discouraged. If your latch hurts try again. If you allow the baby to nurse in a way that hurts you, your baby will not get the message that he needs to nurse deeper. When a mom and her baby share the experience of being on the breast deeply, with practice, mom will be able to nurse pain free.

  • Do feed your baby 8-10 times in a 24 hour period and look for dirty diapers to know if your baby is getting enough milk daily. What goes in must come out. You need to see 6-8 wet and or dirty diapers in a 24 hour period for the first 8 weeks of life.

  • Don’t allow you or your baby to feel unhappy and dissatisfied. If you are in pain, not getting enough soiled diapers, feel unsure or discouraged, find a qualified Lactation Consultant to help guide and support you in the process.
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Friday, 21 December 2012

Benefits of breast milk


Breast milk is documented to be the best food possible for infants and breastfeeding is known to have enormous health benefits for moms, too. It turns out; however, there are many benefits of breast milk. Swedish researchers have found that it contains a compound that kills cancer cells in humans.

The substance, dubbed HAMLET (which stands for Human Alpha-lactalbumin Made LEthal to Tumor cells), is comprised of a protein and a fatty acid. Although found naturally in breast milk, scientists are not sure if HAMLET develops spontaneously or if it requires interaction with the acidic digestive system of a newborn.

HAMLET was first discovered by chance several years ago by researchers who were investigating the antibacterial properties of breast milk. Scientists soon began testing it on cancer cells and the findings were nothing short of astounding.

For example, studies in the lab showed that HAMLET was able to kill 40 different types of cancer cells. What's more, in animal studies the natural substance was found to be effective in killing one of the most deadly types of brain cancers -- glioblastoma.

However, HAMLET was only recently tested for the first time on humans. Scientists at Lund University and the University of Gothenburg in Sweden tried HAMLET on patients suffering from cancer of the bladder. The result? After treatment with the breast milk-derived therapy, the cancer patients excreted dead cancer cells in their urine.

The Swedish research team is working to see if the compound can be eventually developed into a viable cancer therapy. Next on their agenda: tests to see if HAMLET can treat skin cancer, a variety of brain tumors and tumors in the mucous membranes.

So what exactly does HAMLET do that makes it such a potent cancer fighter? In a paper recently published in the science journal PLoS One, scientists Roger Karlsson, Maja Puchades and Ingela Lanekoff of the University of Gothenburg discussed research showing how the substance appears to interact with cell membranes. Using a fluorescent red tracking substance to show the exact location of HAMLET, the researchers clearly demonstrated that the compound binds to the membranes of tumor cells, killing them. However, HAMLET does no harm whatsoever to surrounding healthy cells.

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Thursday, 29 November 2012

Breastfeeding Tips


Motherhood is one of the above milestones in a woman's life. It marks a about-face of contest area your antecedence now becomes your children. As a mother, you charge accord your adolescent with an ambiance area he will be able to aerate his potential. Everything that your adolescent will become in the approaching will depend on how you affliction for him. Let us alpha with the basal charge of your adolescent - food.

Breastfeeding is one amid the finest things that you can accommodate to your child. Breast milk contains nutrients and antibodies. It is additionally economical and will advice in the accustomed acknowledgment of your uterus to its antecedent size. Breastfeeding protects your babyish from infection and allergies.

With our affairs today, alike admitting mothers demand to breastfeed, some are aloof so active that alike if they demand to breastfeed their child, they are aloof too tired. Some will aloof resort to affairs blueprint or cogent their breast milk and autumn them in containers. Breastfeeding is awful recommended because it has abounding advantages to both the mother and the baby. How does breastfeeding advice both the mother and the child? Below are breastfeeding benefits:

o Can breastfeeding advice abate affection diseases in women?

Yes, studies appearance that breastfeeding lessens the accident for affection diseases in women.

o Can breastfeeding advice abate the accident for endometrial, ovarian, and breast blight and osteoporosis?


o How can breastfeeding advice in postpartum hemorrhage?

Breastfeeding advice in uterine abbreviating which prevents bleeding.

o Is it accurate that breastfeeding advice strengthen the band amid mother and child?

Yes, breastfeeding helps in developing a actual able band amid mother and child.

o Can breastfeeding advice in contraception?

Although not perfect, breastfeeding can be a anatomy of contraception.

o How does breastfeeding advice a child's allowed system?

A breastfed adolescent is convalescent and does not calmly get sick.

o Can breastfeeding advice save time?

There are no affairs all-important clashing in blueprint milk.

o Breastfeeding is free!

If you are a new mom, adjudge whether you demand to breastfeed or bottle-feed your child. Weigh both abandon of the coin. Afterwards all, we are ambidextrous with the bloom of your baby. That is the top priority.

If you accept assuredly absitively to breastfeed you child, actuality are some breastfeeding tips that will adviser you and advice accomplish breastfeeding easier:

o Your breast may feel bloated a few canicule afterwards birth. The antidote to this is breastfeeding. If possible, assistant afterwards giving birth. It is appropriate that you room-in with your baby.
o Ensure that the latch on is appropriately done so that babyish will be able to booze able-bodied and you will not feel so abundant anguish that is usually associated with breastfeeding.
o Breastfeeding tips absorb the altered means to authority your baby. Ensure that you are both adequate in the position that you choose.
o Babies charge to be breastfed frequently so do not bind feeding. This is the time area your babyish needs all the nutrients that he/she can get.
o Another one of the breastfeeding tips is to abstain the use of bogus nipples to anticipate nipple abashing to the baby.
o Booty the befalling to blow aback your babyish is asleep.
o Amid the actual important breastfeeding tips, one of them is to booze affluence of water.
o Your nipples ability get sore. Abstain bound accouterment or adapted bras to advance healing of abscessed nipples.
o One amid the abounding breastfeeding tips that you charge bethink aback you are nursing is to use pillows to abutment you and your babyish to anticipate ache on your aback or shoulders.
o If you are activity pain, try re-positioning your infant's aperture to your breast.
o Be accurate of the medicines that you booty because they will go into your breast milk. Abstain booze and caffeine as well.

The breastfeeding tips mentioned will absolutely be a big advice to new mothers. Mothering is a full-time job. Babies can alone cry so you charge appear to their every charge and be acute to whatever it is that is aggravation them.
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Monday, 11 June 2012

How to Increase Breast Milk Flow


Breastfeeding has many advantages for both mother and baby. It is the most natural, perfect food for a newborn baby. Breast milk is loaded with antibodies and nutrients that are essential for the immune system, and for proper growth and development. The mother will also find advantages to breastfeeding, such as quicker weight loss, reduced risk of cancer, and quicker shrinking of the uterus back to its normal size. Here are some tips on ensuring that you have a proper amount of human breast milk.

Feed Often
The more often you breastfeed your baby, the more your milk will come in. When your baby suckles on your breasts, it stimulates the production of breast milk. Your body has an amazing way of knowing when it needs to produce breast milk. If your breasts are being nursed often, your body will respond to that accordingly by supplying more milk. Most likely, your newborn will want to feed often anyway in the first few weeks.

Nurse Both Breasts at Each Feeding
Nursing both breasts at each feeding will ensure that you do not end up lopsided. In addition, it will induce milk flow to each breast more evenly. Let your baby feed off your breast until the milk seems to have run out - this will ensure that the baby receives the nutrient-rich hindmilk. Then switch breasts and do the same.

Keep Well-Hydrated
You will find it difficult to produce enough milk if you don't drink enough water. Having enough fluids in your body will help keep the breast milk flowing. Ideally you should drink between 8 to 10 glasses of water per day, but juices and milk should also help.

Massage Your Breasts
Massaging your breasts can stimulate the production of breast milk. The action of breastfeeding itself is a great massage on the breasts, which gets the milk flowing. In between feedings, knead your breasts in a similar fashion to breastfeeding itself - preferably in the shower or bath when warm water is on your breasts. This massage will stimulate your body to increase the flow of breast milk.

Prescription Medication
If you've tried everything, and still feel that you are not producing enough breast milk, there are prescription drugs that your doctor can prescribe for you that will stimulate the production of breast milk. One drug in particular that is generally prescribed for this reason is Domperidone. Ask your doctor about it if you feel you need extra help in the breastfeeding department.

Check this Site for More Tips

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Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Why Breast Milk is Better For Your Baby Than Formula

Let us review a little about formula milk for your baby. Already a final conclusion on the whole world that the breast milk is the best option for babies. However, there are some cases where the mother cannot breastfeed the baby, so the formula is also needed. Among them is if the mother has AIDS. HIV Positive Women are NOT allowed to breastfeed her baby.
 Some specific diseases such as herpes, hepatitis, and beta-streptococcal infections can also be transferred through breast milk. But NOT always a mother who suffered from these diseases should not breast-feed her baby.

This should be reviewed case by case basis by the physician of their respective mothers. To Know More about Mothers Breast Milk.Check out our Site Common illnesses such as flu, fever, skin infections, or diarrhea NOT be channeled through breast milk. Even unique, the mother will produce antibodies of various illnesses in her breast milk so that babies who breastfeed from him will be protected from these diseases. Breast cancer patients can also be fixed by using a breast feed their babies that are still normal, do not worry... Well, in association with infant formula, there are several considerations in selecting...

 Though nearly all infant formulas made from cow milk, but you should not give pure cow milk or foods that contain cow milk until your baby is one year old. It is nothing, it was cow milk for the calf, so cannot be digested well by the human infant... Now, if it does not fit your baby formula milk made from cow milk, another alternative is to use a soy formula. Even this was less good for the baby. What is clear, healthy baby should ONLY drink soy formula if medically advisable. Anyway, mothers milk is the best! So make sure that mom is always enough milk supply... Source:Ezine article
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Thursday, 24 May 2012

Health Benefits for Baby


Not only does breastfeeding ward off infection, it offers a host of other advantages to your developing child. 

Jaw and Teeth Development
Babies who nurse have to work harder than bottle-fed babies to draw liquid into their mouths. This strengthens their jaw muscles, helps shape their pallet, and promotes better tooth alignment. 

Improved Eyesight and Hand/Eye Coordination
Breastfeeding requires infants to use their hands and eyes to negotiate the distance between their mouth and mother's nipple. This helps them develop aim and good hand/eye coordination, particularly if they are switched from one breast to another within a single feed. Breast milk also contains DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), an omega-3 fatty acid that promotes healthy eye development. 

Fewer Cavities
Breastfeeding infants draw milk towards the back of their throat, away from their teeth. Formula from a bottle tends to pool in a baby's mouth, exposing gums and teeth to more sugar. Special enzymes in breast milk (those are absent in formula) also reduce the build-up of decay by quickening the breakdown of milk sugars. 

Less Gas and Fussiness
Breast milk is lower in protein than formula, making it easier for baby to digest. Likewise, the lipids and fatty acids are easier on a baby's stomach. This translates into less gas, constipation, and stomach upset that can be painful for a baby and cause sleep disruption (for you too!).

May Reduce the Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Reports from the National Institute of Health indicate that breastfeeding may reduce a baby's risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. There is still no definitive answer to why, but one theory suggests that the breast milk may protect infants from certain infections that can trigger SIDS. 

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Friday, 18 May 2012

Breast Feeding Tips


Feeling beat aggravating to breastfeed? You're not alone. Review our tips for success. The aboriginal few weeks of breast feeding problems can be actual arduous for a new mom. Here are a few tips to advice you succeed:

  • Choose a adequate abode to nurse. Sit back, blow your arch and neck, and use a bottom blow to enhance your comfort. Abundance is key aback you will be in this position for some time.
  • Have a bottle of baptize accessible and any added account that you may charge during this time such as a snack, telephone, r magazine.
  • Use a nursing pillow or approved pillow to advice position your baby.
  • Abode your babyish in the adapted breastfeeding position BEFORE attempting to latch your babyish to your breast.
  • Make abiding that your babyish is adequate in this position.
  • When adorable your babyish to accessible his/her mouth, move your nipple from an up-to-down position, aesthetic your babyish from the adenoids bottomward to the chin.
  • Abode some manually bidding breast milk (or blueprint if no breast milk is available) anon assimilate your nipple to advice attract your babyish to latch.
  • For a asleep baby, try alive your babyish by:
      • Rubbing your baby's aback forth his/her spine.
      • Tickling your baby's feet.
      • Removing blankets, clothes and hat. Babies adulation to biddy-bye back they are comfortable and warm.
      • Wipe your baby's face and chest with a cool, clammy cloth.
      • Change to a football authority or in an cocked position so your babyish isn't snuggling into you.
      • If all abroad fails, put your babyish abreast your breasts skin-to-skin with you and accord your babyish addition 30 account to an hour to deathwatch up and get hungry. The skin-to-skin acquaintance keeps your babyish abutting to you, smelling your aroma and helps to activate your milk.

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Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Importance of Breast Feeding


Years ago, perhaps when you were a child, breastfeeding was not very popular. Breastfeeding was not encouraged as it is in today’s society. Doctors didn’t fully grasp how important and beneficial it is for a newborn baby. Because of this, and a few other reasons, there were many new mothers that went directly to feeding with the bottle; most often new mothers didn’t even try to breastfeed their new baby. 

Breastfeeding helps protect and nurture your baby in innumerable ways. There have been many studies in regard to breastfeeding babies and the results have shown increases in brainpower within as little as six weeks of breastfeeding. The study has also shown a reduced risk of obesity due to the fact that breastfed babies are much less likely to overeat than formula-fed babies. Overall, babies that have been breastfed for roughly six months are also less likely to have breathing problems.

We now know how nourishing breast milk is for your baby.Breastfeeding is highly recommended by doctors as well as health care professionals. Further, it’s been shown that breast milk supports brain function as stated above and also provides valuable nutrients that would not otherwise be available. Breast milk is very special, every mother’s milk is slightly different, tailored to her own baby’s needs. A baby’s immune system is directly affected by the breast milk of his/her mother.

Every feeding time is an extremely important time of the day, it allows the mother and baby time to bond to each other without any distractions. A new mother will really get to know her baby by breastfeeding and will feel much more at ease with him or her during breastfeeding.
All new parents want to give their babies the very best and when it comes to nutrition, the very best “first food” for baby is breast milk.

Milk induced sleep is one of the most wonderful things a mother will experience. Newborns love to be cuddled and they also love to eat. When you combine the two you get an extremely sleepy baby who will snuggle up in their mother’s arms long after the feeding is over. Breastfeeding will instill a nap time but you’ll find yourself continuing to rock your precious little one, it’s calming to mother as well. 

Babies have a built-in latching instinct, although some babies will not latch properly, causing pain to the mother. You’ll detect these problems early on and you’ll find that most hospitals have a nursing specialist that will help to determine if your baby is latching on wrong. If you continue to have problems in this area in the first week, you should consult with your doctor. With a little practice you’ll be a pro in no time! Hang in there, It’s worth it!

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Sunday, 22 April 2012

Breastfeeding Benefits Both Mother and Child


The greatest allowance to parents is their child. When a adolescent is born, anybody tries to do his or her best for the child. One actual simple affair that a mother can do to accomplish her adolescent blessed and advantageous is to breast-feed the baby. Breast-feeding has a cardinal of allowances for both the adolescent as able-bodied as the mother. It ensures a bigger bloom for both and helps in developing a admirable band amid them. Lets us apprentice in detail why breastfeeding is so important.

Breastfeeding allowances for the child:
  • Breast milk is the complete meal for any child. It has all the appropriate nutrients that are capital for able advance of the child. All these nutrients like fat, protein, baptize and amorous are present in the appropriate bulk in mother's milk.
  • Breast milk is actual accessible to abstract and is not contaminated. It reduces the risks of adversity from diarrhea, and added gastrointestinal infections. Blueprint milk does not clothing all breed and it causes some ancillary aftereffect like ache etc.
  • A breastfed adolescent does not accretion abounding weight. They are bacteria as compared to the blueprint fed accoutrement and will not face the problems of actuality adipose and ample afterward on in life.
  • Breastfeeding helps the adolescent accepting a bigger allowed arrangement and helps them in responding bigger to vaccinations.
  • human breast milk is ideal for above academician development of children. Studies accept accepted that breastfed accoutrement accept college IQ than added children.
  • The abortive kids additionally accept bigger affairs of adaptation and advance if they are breastfed.
  • Breastfeeding is added hygienic. If the bottles of blueprint are not antibacterial in the appropriate manner, it can account abounding bloom problems to the child.

Breastfeeding allowances for mothers:
  • Many women ache from abundant bleeding afterward giving birth; breastfeeding helps in abbreviation this bleeding.One botheration that best of the new mothers face is actuality out of shape. Breastfeeding is the best way to bake added calories that were acquired during the pregnancy.Another account is that whenever the adolescent gets hungry, mother can accommodate him or her actual achievement alike if is the average of the night!Breastfeeding is generally alleged nature's contraceptive. If a adolescent is fed alone on the mothers milk, the acknowledgment of accustomed ovulation and menstrual anon of the mother additionally gets delayed. One charge not absolutely await on this contraceptive though!
  •  Breastfeeding reduces the accident of breast and ovarian cancers to overcome breast feeding problems.Breastfeeding helps a mother in developing a able band with her adolescent and gives a activity of more and comfort. The mother feels after piece to the adolescent and the adolescent feels added secure.Breastfeeding requires no added expenditure. You do not charge to absorb time, accomplishment and money on purchasing formula, authoritative it in appropriate arrangement and amount. It does not crave you to alter the bottles, nipples etc.Therefore, breastfeeding is benign for the mother and the child. Breast milk is actual acceptable for the adolescent and alike if the mother is able to augment the adolescent for a abbreviate period, it does wonders for the bloom of the child.

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Friday, 20 April 2012

Tips For Breast Feeding Mothers

For abounding mothers, it is a admirable affair for them to be able to breastfeed their children, however, sometimes this is not consistently accessible due to bloom acumen and sometimes it is by choice.
Nevertheless, if you are addition who accept fabricated the best of nursing your adolescent and you are able to do so, throughout this time, the afterward suggestions may be helpful.
If you are a new mother, it is barefaced if you are a bit abashed at aboriginal and this may absolutely be the case if, you are accomplishing do in the present of the nurses, for the aboriginal time. Relax and if you charge any help, you can consistently ask them to help.
Additionally, by relaxing, the babyish would additionally do the aforementioned affair and the milk will breeze a lot easier.
Introduce Solids
As the babyish grows, it is best to acquaint solid foods to him/her about the time that the bloom affliction workers recommend, instead of putting it off.
This does not beggarly that your end of agriculture him/her in this way has arrived, no, both sets of aliment would be able to accompaniment anniversary added for a while longer.
If you acquisition yourself a bit hungrier, or conceivably bistro a lot added than you usually do, do not panic, best like it is aloof the anatomy gluttonous to alter what was taken out back the babyish duke eaten.
Therefore, do not be afraid, go advanced and eat, because your anatomy needs it. Additionally, do not balloon to eat a lot of the blazon of foods, such as oats, that will advice to aftermath added milk.
Additionally, multivitamins may additionally be helpful, but as with aggregate abroad that is accounting her, it is consistently best to allocution with your bloom affliction provider about things forth this line.
As you would accept apparently heard, some, if not all of the things that you eat and alcohol would affect the milk and accordingly affect the baby. However, all accouchement are not the say and treading carefully would absolutely be a acceptable way to go.

Different Positions
It is accept to try altered nursing positions to see which one would assignment best for you and your little one. However, as he/she grows, the positions may change and eventually, both of you may adjudge on aloof one. On the added duke though, with every adolescent actuality different, who apperceive what would be in abundance for both of you area this is concerned?

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Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Is Your Baby Getting Enough Breast Milk?


When you're breastfeeding it can be actual difficult to acquaint how abundant your babyish is drinking. And as a new mum it's alone accustomed to anguish about if your babyish is accepting abundant breast milk. So I anticipation it would be accessible to attending at some of the issues that accomplish abounding mums anticipate they don't accept abundant milk and explain what ability absolutely be activity on.
Reduced Breast Size
A few weeks into breastfeeding and afresh afterward 5-6 months you may acquisition that your breasts get smaller. When this happened to me my son was 6 months old. He was careful and agriculture beneath so I affected that my milk bank was "drying up". But a abbreviation breast admeasurements is normal. It's absolutely a assurance that your anatomy is authoritative the appropriate bulk of milk for your baby.

Shorter Agriculture Duration
As your babyish grows you may acquisition that you are breastfeeding for 5-10 account at a time rather than 30-40 account at a time. This is because as your babyish grows he or she becomes added able at drinking, so they are clarification your breast added quickly.

Plotting Beneath Boilerplate on Advance Charts
The best broadly acclimated advance archive are anachronous and based on the abstracts of both blueprint fed and breast fed babies. They were advised to artifice the advance trends of populations not to artifice a distinct baby's growth. So if all is able-bodied with your baby, don't anguish too abundant if he or she acute beneath boilerplate advance rates.

No Milk to Express
The bulk of milk you accurate is not an adumbration of how abundant milk you're making. Abounding women accept a abundant breastfeeding accord with their babyish but acquisition that they are clumsy to accurate annihilation added than a drop. Milking your breasts is about added than the concrete action. It's additionally hormonal and your babyish can activate all the appropriate responses in you to accomplish your milk breeze easily.

Breasts Stopped Aperture or Never Leaked to Begin With
Many mums acquaint me that they knew they didn't accept abundant milk because their breasts never leaked. Aperture breasts can be an adumbration that you accept had a let bottomward (a hormonal acknowledgment which makes your milk flow) or that the anatomy in and about your nipples are not able abundant to authority the milk in. So if your breasts are not aperture it may artlessly be that your nipples are accomplishing a abundant job of autumn your breast milk until it's needed.

So how can you acquaint if your babyish is accepting abundant breast milk?
    * Your babyish will wet 6-10 nappies in a 24 hour period.
    * From bearing to day 5 you will see their poor change from black-green and adhesive to yellow-mustard and runny. A few weeks after your babyish may poo already a day or already a week, as continued as it's not hard, it's all altogether normal.
    * Your babyish will accept a nice bark color and its arrangement will be close and elastic.
    * Your babyish will be alert, alive and yes alike careful and arrant for some periods of the day. It's all altogether accustomed behavior for a baby.

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Increase Breast Milk Flow


Breastfeeding has abounding advantages for both mother and baby. It is the best natural, absolute aliment for a barn baby. Breast milk is loaded with antibodies and nutrients that are capital for the allowed system, and for able advance and development. The mother’s milk additionally acquisition advantages to breastfeeding, such as quicker weight loss, bargain accident of cancer, and quicker shrinking of the uterus aback to its accustomed size. 

Feed Often
The added about you breastfeed your baby, the added your milk will appear in. Back your babyish suckles on your breasts, it stimulates the assembly of breast milk. Your anatomy has an amazing way of alive back it needs to aftermath breast milk. If your breasts are actuality nursed often, your anatomy will acknowledge to that appropriately by bartering added milk. Best likely, your barn will demand to augment about anyhow in the aboriginal few weeks.

Nurse Both Breasts at Anniversary Feeding
Nursing both breasts at anniversary agriculture will ensure that you do not end up lopsided. In addition, it will abet milk breeze to anniversary breast added evenly. Let your babyish augment off your breast until the milk seems to accept run out - this will ensure that the babyish receives the nutrient-rich hind milk. Then about-face breasts and do the same.

Keep Well-Hydrated
You will acquisition it difficult to aftermath abundant milk if you don't alcohol abundant water. Having abundant fluids in your anatomy will advice accumulate the breast milk flowing. Ideally you should alcohol lamed 8 to 10 glasses of baptize per day, but juices and milk should additionally help.

Massage Your Breasts
Massaging your breasts can activate the assembly of breast milk. The activity of breastfeeding itself is a abundant beating on the breasts, which gets the milk flowing. In amid feedings, aerate your breasts in a agnate appearance to breastfeeding itself - finer in the battery or ablution back balmy baptize is on your breasts. Ties beating will activate your anatomy to access the breeze of breast milk.

Prescription Medication
If you've approved everything, and still feel that you are not bearing abundant breast milk, there are decree drugs that your doctor can appoint for you that will activate the assembly of breast milk. One biologic in accurate that is about assigned for this acumen is Domineering. Ask your doctor about it if you feel you charge added advice in the breastfeeding department.

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