Years ago,
perhaps when you were a child, breastfeeding was not very popular.
Breastfeeding was not encouraged as it is in today’s society. Doctors didn’t
fully grasp how important and beneficial it is for a newborn baby. Because of
this, and a few other reasons, there were many new mothers that went directly
to feeding with the bottle; most often new mothers didn’t even try to
breastfeed their new baby.
helps protect and nurture your baby in innumerable ways. There have been many
studies in regard to breastfeeding babies and the results have shown increases
in brainpower within as little as six weeks of breastfeeding. The study has
also shown a reduced risk of obesity due to the fact that breastfed babies are
much less likely to overeat than formula-fed babies. Overall, babies that have
been breastfed for roughly six months are also less likely to have breathing

feeding time is an extremely important time of the day, it allows the mother
and baby time to bond to each other without any distractions. A new mother will
really get to know her baby by breastfeeding and will feel much more at ease
with him or her during breastfeeding.
new parents want to give their babies the very best and when it comes to nutrition,
the very best “first food” for baby is breast milk.
Milk induced
sleep is one of the most wonderful things a mother will experience. Newborns
love to be cuddled and they also love to eat. When you combine the two you get
an extremely sleepy baby who will snuggle up in their mother’s arms long after
the feeding is over. Breastfeeding will instill a nap time but you’ll find
yourself continuing to rock your precious little one, it’s calming to mother as
Babies have
a built-in latching instinct, although some babies will not latch properly,
causing pain to the mother. You’ll detect these problems early on and you’ll
find that most hospitals have a nursing specialist that will help to determine
if your baby is latching on wrong. If you continue to have problems in this
area in the first week, you should consult with your doctor. With a little
practice you’ll be a pro in no time! Hang in there, It’s worth it!