Let us review a little about formula milk for your baby. Already a final conclusion on the whole world that the breast milk is the best option for babies. However, there are some cases where the mother cannot breastfeed the baby, so the formula is also needed. Among them is if the mother has AIDS. HIV Positive Women are NOT allowed to breastfeed her baby.
Some specific diseases such as herpes, hepatitis, and beta-streptococcal infections can also be transferred through breast milk. But NOT always a mother who suffered from these diseases should not breast-feed her baby.
This should be reviewed case by case basis by the physician of their respective mothers. To Know More about Mothers Breast Milk.Check out our Site http://www.mothersbreastmilk.com/ Common illnesses such as flu, fever, skin infections, or diarrhea NOT be channeled through breast milk. Even unique, the mother will produce antibodies of various illnesses in her breast milk so that babies who breastfeed from him will be protected from these diseases. Breast cancer patients can also be fixed by using a breast feed their babies that are still normal, do not worry... Well, in association with infant formula, there are several considerations in selecting...
Though nearly all infant formulas made from cow milk, but you should not give pure cow milk or foods that contain cow milk until your baby is one year old. It is nothing, it was cow milk for the calf, so cannot be digested well by the human infant... Now, if it does not fit your baby formula milk made from cow milk, another alternative is to use a soy formula. Even this was less good for the baby. What is clear, healthy baby should ONLY drink soy formula if medically advisable. Anyway, mothers milk is the best! So make sure that mom is always enough milk supply... Source:Ezine article
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Some specific diseases such as herpes, hepatitis, and beta-streptococcal infections can also be transferred through breast milk. But NOT always a mother who suffered from these diseases should not breast-feed her baby.
This should be reviewed case by case basis by the physician of their respective mothers. To Know More about Mothers Breast Milk.Check out our Site http://www.mothersbreastmilk.com/ Common illnesses such as flu, fever, skin infections, or diarrhea NOT be channeled through breast milk. Even unique, the mother will produce antibodies of various illnesses in her breast milk so that babies who breastfeed from him will be protected from these diseases. Breast cancer patients can also be fixed by using a breast feed their babies that are still normal, do not worry... Well, in association with infant formula, there are several considerations in selecting...
Though nearly all infant formulas made from cow milk, but you should not give pure cow milk or foods that contain cow milk until your baby is one year old. It is nothing, it was cow milk for the calf, so cannot be digested well by the human infant... Now, if it does not fit your baby formula milk made from cow milk, another alternative is to use a soy formula. Even this was less good for the baby. What is clear, healthy baby should ONLY drink soy formula if medically advisable. Anyway, mothers milk is the best! So make sure that mom is always enough milk supply... Source:Ezine article