Feed Often
The more often you breastfeed your baby, the more your milk will come in. When your baby suckles on your breasts, it stimulates the production of breast milk. Your body has an amazing way of knowing when it needs to produce breast milk. If your breasts are being nursed often, your body will respond to that accordingly by supplying more milk. Most likely, your newborn will want to feed often anyway in the first few weeks.
Nurse Both Breasts at Each Feeding
Nursing both breasts at each feeding will ensure that you do not end up lopsided. In addition, it will induce milk flow to each breast more evenly. Let your baby feed off your breast until the milk seems to have run out - this will ensure that the baby receives the nutrient-rich hindmilk. Then switch breasts and do the same.
Keep Well-Hydrated
You will find it difficult to produce enough milk if you don't drink enough water. Having enough fluids in your body will help keep the breast milk flowing. Ideally you should drink between 8 to 10 glasses of water per day, but juices and milk should also help.
Massage Your Breasts
Massaging your breasts can stimulate the production of breast milk. The action of breastfeeding itself is a great massage on the breasts, which gets the milk flowing. In between feedings, knead your breasts in a similar fashion to breastfeeding itself - preferably in the shower or bath when warm water is on your breasts. This massage will stimulate your body to increase the flow of breast milk.
Prescription Medication
If you've tried everything, and still feel that you are not producing enough breast milk, there are prescription drugs that your doctor can prescribe for you that will stimulate the production of breast milk. One drug in particular that is generally prescribed for this reason is Domperidone. Ask your doctor about it if you feel you need extra help in the breastfeeding department.
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