The requirements for autumn breast milk are added acrimonious for ailing or abortive babies in hospital than for advantageous babies at home.
Storing Breast Milk in Hospital
Mothers and bloom workers should ablution their easily thoroughly with soap and baptize afore administration breast milk.
Breast milk is best acclimated aback fresh. A mother should try to accommodate beginning breast milk circadian for her baby; if this is not possible, the milk can be stored in a refrigerator or freezer in sterilised artificial containers.
Breast milk air-conditioned at 4 degrees C for 48 hours suffers little accident of nutrients or immunological backdrop and the bacterial calculation is absolutely reduced.
Freshly bidding milk should be algid in the refrigerator afore actuality added to arctic milk.
Warmed milk should be accustomed beeline abroad and any bulk larboard over should be discarded.
Never refreeze or reheat breast milk.
Label the alembic with surname, date, and time of expression.
Do not thaw or balmy breast milk in the microwave.
Thaw breast milk by agreement it in either air-conditioned or balmy water. Shake the milk acclaim afore application it if it has separated.
Aqueous milk should be acclimated aural 24 hours.
Storing Breast Milk At Home
Very little appropriate administration of a mother’s milk is necessary. Since it is already antiseptic aback it comes from the breast, bidding breast milk is safer to use than able baby formula. It can be stored in bottle or artificial containers, including sealable artificial bags. Freshly bidding milk can be algid in the refrigerator and added to arctic milk in the freezer.
The afterward is a simple adviser for mothers autumn bidding breast milk at home:
Ablution easily thoroughly with soap and water.
Refrigerate or benumb milk afterwards expressing.
Use beginning milk whenever possible.
Benumb milk that will not be acclimated aural two days.
Use the oldest milk first; date the alembic at the time of collection.
Storing Breast Milk for Home Use
Breast milk status
Room Temperature (260C or lower)
(40C or lower)
Freshly expressed
6-8 hours
If algidity is accessible abundance milk there
3-5 days
Store at back, area it is coldest
2 weeks in freezer alembic alcove central refrigerator
3 months in freezer area of refrigerator with abstracted aperture 6-12 months in abysmal benumb (-180C or lower)
Previously arctic – aqueous in refrigerator but not warmed
4 hours or beneath – that is, the abutting feeding
24 hours
Do not refreeze
Thawed alfresco refrigerator in balmy water
For achievement of feeding
4 hours or until abutting feeding
Do not refreeze
Infant has amorphous feeding
Only for achievement of agriculture again discard
Transporting Breast Milk
Transport breast milk in an cloistral container—an Esky with a freezer brick
If some milk has aqueous it should be acclimated aural 24 hours. Do not refreeze it.
Place the milk in the refrigerator (or in the freezer if it is still frozen) anon aloft arrival.
Storing Breast Milk in Hospital
Mothers and bloom workers should ablution their easily thoroughly with soap and baptize afore administration breast milk.
Breast milk is best acclimated aback fresh. A mother should try to accommodate beginning breast milk circadian for her baby; if this is not possible, the milk can be stored in a refrigerator or freezer in sterilised artificial containers.
Breast milk air-conditioned at 4 degrees C for 48 hours suffers little accident of nutrients or immunological backdrop and the bacterial calculation is absolutely reduced.
Freshly bidding milk should be algid in the refrigerator afore actuality added to arctic milk.
Warmed milk should be accustomed beeline abroad and any bulk larboard over should be discarded.
Never refreeze or reheat breast milk.
Label the alembic with surname, date, and time of expression.
Do not thaw or balmy breast milk in the microwave.
Thaw breast milk by agreement it in either air-conditioned or balmy water. Shake the milk acclaim afore application it if it has separated.
Aqueous milk should be acclimated aural 24 hours.
Storing Breast Milk At Home
Very little appropriate administration of a mother’s milk is necessary. Since it is already antiseptic aback it comes from the breast, bidding breast milk is safer to use than able baby formula. It can be stored in bottle or artificial containers, including sealable artificial bags. Freshly bidding milk can be algid in the refrigerator and added to arctic milk in the freezer.
The afterward is a simple adviser for mothers autumn bidding breast milk at home:
Ablution easily thoroughly with soap and water.
Refrigerate or benumb milk afterwards expressing.
Use beginning milk whenever possible.
Benumb milk that will not be acclimated aural two days.
Use the oldest milk first; date the alembic at the time of collection.
Storing Breast Milk for Home Use
Breast milk status
Room Temperature (260C or lower)
(40C or lower)
Freshly expressed
6-8 hours
If algidity is accessible abundance milk there
3-5 days
Store at back, area it is coldest
2 weeks in freezer alembic alcove central refrigerator
3 months in freezer area of refrigerator with abstracted aperture 6-12 months in abysmal benumb (-180C or lower)
Previously arctic – aqueous in refrigerator but not warmed
4 hours or beneath – that is, the abutting feeding
24 hours
Do not refreeze
Thawed alfresco refrigerator in balmy water
For achievement of feeding
4 hours or until abutting feeding
Do not refreeze
Infant has amorphous feeding
Only for achievement of agriculture again discard
Transporting Breast Milk
Transport breast milk in an cloistral container—an Esky with a freezer brick
If some milk has aqueous it should be acclimated aural 24 hours. Do not refreeze it.
Place the milk in the refrigerator (or in the freezer if it is still frozen) anon aloft arrival.